Mc Donalds

Design Atelier has partnered with the Mc Donalds brand in India since the Mid 90's. With over 50 stores and restaurants in various formats we have supported the brand through various phases of their Indian development story.
  • Client
  • Connaught Plaza Restaurants
  • 80+ Stores
  • BUILT UNTIL 2016
  • Design Team
  • Sushil Karer, Madhvi, Rawat, Ashish Karode, Anjana
Overall, we have remained authentic and true to Mc Donalds heritage, which has continually transformed from the days when cheap and fast fare were the only things needed to lure repeat customers. Today’s consumers got an elevated experience— fresher food, a modern dining environment, stellar customer service and our retail design team constantly overhauled and modernised the stores in North India. All new and remodeled stores were renewed to a design concept that encourages patrons to linger.The old tile design was replaced as we brought back some of that warmt to support the custoer preference for spending time at places where they feel relaxed, where they perceive the place as part of their daily lives with the materials, colors and lighting.

Long Term Brand Support








Built Area